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Data is not useful until it becomes Information

In today's dynamic business, IT applications have a critical role to play in automating many manual processes. The most critical success factor is to ensure the Business parameters are rightly designed from Technical Aspects. For Eg., in B2C segments, the identification of the entities such as customer, Service, Product, etc., and their associated life cycle has to be designed technically in such a way with loosely coupled architecture so that the app's components can be easily reused for both Greenfield and Brownfield Implementations.

Especially the data components as part of the informational flow design the configured process can easily produce all cases of data such as successful transactions, and exceptional cases as well.

To summarize, it's most critical for any successful implementation to define such parameters at the beginning of the project to avoid later disputes.

We as a team care a lot about such criteria to ensure our Implementations are successful and it really adds value to our customer Business.

"To the customer, the value that needs to be delivered is more than Technology"

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